I am currently LISTENING to what

H   O   L   Y     S   H   I   F   T

is longing to be born into


all that I hear right now is:


When the heart breaks open, it marks the beginning of a real love affair with this world. It is a broken-hearted love affair, rather than the conventional kind based on hope and expectation.

Only in this fearless love that can respond to life’s pain as well as its beauty can we be of real help to ourselves or anyone else in this difficult age. The broken-hearted warrior is an essential archetype for our time.”

John Welwood


"I believed that I wanted to be a poet, but deep down I just wanted to be a poem.”

— JaimeGil de Biedma

Holy Shift is part of a global-emergent-Movement towards not only reclaiming our whole-humanity–in the face of fragmentation, polarization & separation–but evolving our global-stewardship to one of deeper intimacy to the Earth, while reclaiming our inherent Divinity & Source-connection: so we can surrender deeper to the collective-dance of divine chaos, collective-evolution, & embracing the unknown.